Monday, October 21, 2013

New to Blogging

Okay so never done this before and kinda intimidated, but will try to keep up with myself. I can't wait to actually start posting my new creations for all to see. I have been crocheting on and off for a little under ten years. My mother taught me and picked up a few things myself. I love making new toys for my kids to play with. So most of what will be posted in the future will probably mostly toys. I don't have the patience for blankets or super mundane projects. For example, I started a blanket when my oldest was born and still have finished it. That as 7 almost 8 years ago. I still pick it  now and again, but probably won't be completed til right before my death at this rate. So I guess over the next few days I will probably just post some of my random projects that I have done in the past just to get some stuff on here so I don't sound like an online fibber. Hope this helps me keep some of what little sanity I have left as a stay at home mom! Lol!